One of the things I have come to realize about myself during this whole situation is that I am indeed a very stubborn woman. Brian always called me stubborn, my Mom calls me stubborn... I guess they are right afterall.
I have wonderful family and friends who are always asking me if they can help us out. And I have always been one who never likes to bother ANYONE (and Brian is also like that a little too) so my signature answer is always "Thanks, but I'm ok".... When in actuality I am not all that ok, and I can, we can, use help every now and then. So from now on when my wonderful family and friends ask if they can do anything for me, my new signature phrase will be "Yes, you can and THANK YOU".
I have wonderful family and friends who are always asking me if they can help us out. And I have always been one who never likes to bother ANYONE (and Brian is also like that a little too) so my signature answer is always "Thanks, but I'm ok".... When in actuality I am not all that ok, and I can, we can, use help every now and then. So from now on when my wonderful family and friends ask if they can do anything for me, my new signature phrase will be "Yes, you can and THANK YOU".
Who is the HOTTIE with the Humongous martini glass. Brunnett's have more fun!!! Nothing makes me feel better then being there for my friends. Sue, any time, any where...
Do you rememebr the glass broke (prob bc too much alcohol in it) and you TAPED THE BOTTOM!!! If you click on the picture to enlarge you can see the electric tape!! now thats a true party girl for ya!
ok I just realized Alejandra's username?! seriously! haha
btw your "Sue anytime, anywhere" comment along with your username makes you sound super naughty! haha
I should get back to work!
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