Thursday, June 4, 2009


Had a visit with my chemogod today. Everything is all good. I don't see him for another month! wow... I'm going to miss him, and his nurses. He told me that funny enough when one gets to this stage, you feel kind of abandoned and lost, sort of like no one is looking after you. He is right. BUT... I am also going to start living my life like it used to be... and that's a good thing!

I trimmed MY hair and put some color in MY hair today! It didn't take much, as I was told, I should probably wait around 6 months. I definitely needed a trim because it was kinda crazy.. top was longer then the back, it was covering my ears... and it just needed a "neating up".

Got my prescription of Tamoxifen today ... my lifesaver. There are many side effects , OF COURSE. Some are mild, and some can be serious and rare. We'll see how I do. I see my plastic surgeon in a month to see what he thinks about exchanging my tissue expanders to the real thing! OMG I cannot wait to get these god forsaken horrid hard plastic things out of my chest. Oh..,. but they have given me some shape, so let me not complain:-)

Live long and prosper.


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