Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok for those who know me... this is a big deal. I haven't had any wine, or beer, or anything of the adult beverage content for quite some time. Well... quite some time to me anyway. Today I saw my wonderful oncologist... aka God Sierocki ...and my hemoglobin level is very low so he told me to ...yes... have some red wine! What's better than that?!?!?!? So this weekend after Isabelle goes to sleep I will indulge in a glass of some fine adult beverage! If I last passed 10pm that is.

Here's an excerpt from an article I just found... just another reason to drink up!

"Wine and Cancer: Numerous studies show that red wine helps fight cancer. Red wine is one of the richest sources for resveratrol, which helps supress cancer. Mice injected with reserveratrol not only experienced slower tumor growth, but also 98% fewer skin tumors."

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