Monday, March 30, 2009

Radiation set-up UPDATE

March 30, 2009

Today I am going for my radiation simulation. They'll set me down on a table for an hour and the computer will do it's thing, and I'll get a few tattoo's to mark the spots that the beam has to hit. I'll have 3 areas radiated.... every day for 5 weeks, starting April 20th.

Finally getting somewhat out of my chemo fog and my sinus problem seems to be getting a little better. Now if I can only get some sleep at night I'll be almost "normal"!

March 31, 2009

Ok for you people who get large tattoo's... you're all nuts! I got about 10 tattoo's, but they are very tiny little dots... and they f*&^(*& hurt!!!!

The simulation was no big deal, except I had to lay on a rock hard table with my arms above my head for an entire hour without moving one bit. So I am all set up in the computer to get zapped. I have to go for a trial run, then I start my treatments on the 20th, every morning at 10:15am. Apparently radiation treatment is a busy business, they only had one time slot open for me. So I am on the "waiting list", and if a time opens up earlier then I'll change. So looks like it's half days of work for me for those 5 weeks... and ya know what... maybe that's not a bad thing now anyway.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Side Effects from Hell

I guess being done with chemo doesn't mean being done with the side effects. So with this I have only one thing to say....this shit just better be working.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wed. Mar. 18, 2009

Another doozey of a last step. This last treatment knocked me on my ass and that's to put it mildly. After coming home from the park on Saturday (my last post) I was pretty much comatose , and it lasted till this morning. Yesterday I somehow thought I could come to work, and I did, just to come back home 90 minutes later. Talk about chemofog, chemobrain, whatever you want to call it. It was actually pretty scary. Anyway... today I feel somewhat among the living and I hope it's all uphill from here.
Brian has been doing everything in the house and with Isabelle for the last 7 days and I think he could use a break (and some beer!)

I have my radiation simulation scheduled for March 30th, and if I have my choice I should start my tanning sessions April 13th. Going to try and get away for a few days before then if we could.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thank Heaven......

for little girls !

If it wasn't for this smiling face I'd probably be on the couch in a big slump, eating bon-bons all day. Managed to get out Saturday afternoon for some fun time at the park with Isabelle for a couple of hours. After that I was pretty much on my arse rest of the day. Just extremely exhausted. I have a feeling this last treatment is going to take me a good 2-3 weeks to get over... but that's ok CAUSE I AM DONE!

Friday, March 13, 2009


That's right folks... done with chemo FOREVER! Just got back home about an hour ago and I'm ready to celebrate!!!!!!!!!! (shirley temple anyone?!) And yes, my shirt does say what you think it does and yes I did wear it to my last treatment!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


One last poison ..... scheduled for Friday, March 13th... yes Friday the 13th. But I'm putting aside my superstition cause it's going to be a good day!

I'm getting tired. Very tired. Falling asleep sitting up. Headaches abound and a sinus infection that just won't quit. I'm ready for a vacation, many of them. Far far away from my doctor's office and the infusion room!

Wound up getting wig #4. My long one is nearing the end of it's life... need to get it serviced and possibly cut cause I was so aggravated with it I took some hot rollers to it and "sort of" ruined the ends:-)