Monday, March 30, 2009

Radiation set-up UPDATE

March 30, 2009

Today I am going for my radiation simulation. They'll set me down on a table for an hour and the computer will do it's thing, and I'll get a few tattoo's to mark the spots that the beam has to hit. I'll have 3 areas radiated.... every day for 5 weeks, starting April 20th.

Finally getting somewhat out of my chemo fog and my sinus problem seems to be getting a little better. Now if I can only get some sleep at night I'll be almost "normal"!

March 31, 2009

Ok for you people who get large tattoo's... you're all nuts! I got about 10 tattoo's, but they are very tiny little dots... and they f*&^(*& hurt!!!!

The simulation was no big deal, except I had to lay on a rock hard table with my arms above my head for an entire hour without moving one bit. So I am all set up in the computer to get zapped. I have to go for a trial run, then I start my treatments on the 20th, every morning at 10:15am. Apparently radiation treatment is a busy business, they only had one time slot open for me. So I am on the "waiting list", and if a time opens up earlier then I'll change. So looks like it's half days of work for me for those 5 weeks... and ya know what... maybe that's not a bad thing now anyway.


Aimee (ChemoAngels) said...

Hi Sue,

I hope the "set up" went well for you yesterday!

~ Aimee

Sue said...

Hi Aimee,
It was relatively painless, except for laying on a rock hard table with my hands holding onto a bar and not being able to move for an hour:-)) Ugg.

Jill said...

I sure hope your radiation goes okay Sue.It is tough but necessary to do all we can to beat this.I just finished in late January. Half days at work sounds like a great plan so you will be able to get some rest.
Take Care.