Thursday, February 26, 2009

Home from #3 Tax, total treatments so far 7 and a new Foob update!

7 DOWN AND 1 TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doc is saying I'm going to get knocked down hard with my alst 2 treatments. Oh joy oh bliss. Wanna come and have a pity party with me ya'll??? Oh just kidding. Im feeling better these days on the emotional side anyway. Tuesday I had my first cry fest. OIE.

I especially feel good and my foobs. I think I might be filled to capacity, or at least very close to it. My last fill on Tuesday actually is causing me a little bit of pain, just alot of stretchy and feeling very... FULL! One things I just realized is that in the summer I can wear little sexy strapless backless numbers, WITHOUT A BRA! and not worry about saggy boobs and jigglying all over the place.

Ah yes... summer shoppin is goin be fun!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

Thursday will be my 7th chemo treatment. After this I will have one more then I will be done! Wohooooo! Then in April it's off to 6 weeks of radiation treatment. A whole new journey in itself. Can't wait:-)

Took Isabelle for a potty reward this weekend. Went to Build a Bear workshop Friday nite, then Saturday we surprised her with a pony ride. Oh you should have seen the smirk on that girls face! PRICELESS!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bye Bye Hair Again!!!!! & Happy V-Day!

February 14, 2090

Happy V-Day! As u can see my girl love her cake!

Well ok I knew my hair would fall out... again.. but for some reason it's bothering me more this time. I pulled some clumps out this morning. Today is Day 3 of my 2nd Taxotere treatment. I guess I was getting used to that fine 1" of hair on my head. It was coming in so nice too, not curly or nappy and my original color.
Anywho... this treatment was a little different then 2 weeks ago. More fatique and I've been fealing a bit queezy, but nothing horrible. Oh and I don't have the steroid craze I had last time... SCHUCKS!!!!!! But still managed to bake a cake for V-day (what's up with me and baking these days?!?)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Home from treatment, and got my Gene Testing Results!

February 12, 2009

Treatment went well, uneventful. Home sipping tea and ready to go on the couch and watch some soaps.

My BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing results came back ....... NEGATIVE! See.... that bird shit did mean something after all! :-) Kuddos to my Chemogod's nurse Ellen, she really pushed the insurance company to get them to approve the test. Otherwise we would have waited a while to get it done cause it costs $3,000 (and it's just a blood test!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting ready for treatment #2 (actually #6)

February 11, 2009

Going for more "stuff" tomorrow morning. And I finally slept thru the entire night last nite, first time in 2 whole weeks! And just in time to start my steroid craze tonight and for the next 5 days! Let's see what kind of projects I do this time.

Took a 1-2 mile walk lunch time today, first time since the summer, and man did that feel good!
(It's also 65 out today!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Foob Update

February 10, 2009

Today is exactly 2 months since I had my surgery. And check me out... 2 words for ya'll... YEAH BABY!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Gene Testing

My insurance company finally approved my genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene tests. It's the breast and ovarian cancer gene. Not sure what happens if I test positive, but it's a pretty important test. It'll be good to know for Isabelle when she gets older and also for other females in my family. I know if the ovarian is positive then I will have my ovaries removed. Should have the results in 2 weeks.

Ok... so I know you all think the prior post is pretty disgusting. BUT... considering that this test was approved on the same afternoon of the bird poo.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good luck sign?!?!?

February 5, 2009

Ok....I am probably one of the most supersticious people you know, if you didn't know that already. Ran an errand over at Walmart lunch time and this is what I came out to. YUP... and I took a picture of it! A seagull's poop the size of a friggin Big Mac! And no... I'm not cleaning it until it falls off, dissipates, or gets snowed on or rained on. Cause if I wipe it off... it's bad luck!

Hey it's the first sign of good luck I am have in a long time!

Ahhhh .....

February 4, 2009

..... the feeling of normalcy. Ok so 1 real bad day and 2 so-so days after my first treatment of Taxotere. Not that bad! Let's hope the next one is the same.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Last 2 days feeling like shit

February 3, 2009

Yeah I said it ... I feel like shit. No other words can describe it. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
And I did drag myself into work today!

The hardest part of this is taking care of a toddler when you have no energy to even take care of yourself; but being a parent doesn't stop cause of fuking cancer. No matter how horrible I feel and no matter how badly I just need to rest and lay down and close my eyes, there are times when I just can't. (Yes, as you can see I'm in a great mood:-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

I just never listen

February 2, 2009

Aka stubborness. Day 3 was a little tiring, day 4, yesterday Sunday, I felt so good that I did everything and anything I could possible think of doing... including baking!!!!! Yeah me.. baking.. can u imagine?!? My chemogod told me no matter how good I felt to "rest"... did I listen?... nope. Now I'm paying for it. Or at least that's what I think is going on. Every little thing exhausts me. Didn't even make it in to work this morning cause the minute I start to move my legs I am out of breath. Stomach is upset, kidneys hurt, back hurts.. the whole shibang. #1 problem is that I have been on steroids for 5 straight days, and they really give you a jolt and make you feel invincible, including not being able to sleep. My last day of sleep was LAST Tuesday! Even took 2 sleep aids last nite, and nada, no sleep. So needless to say today I am pretty much miserable. I will definitely take it easier next treatment on the 12th.
