Wednesday, July 1, 2009

All clear and no more wig!!!

Saw my wonderful doctor this morning for a routine check-up. I am all cleared and don't have to see him for another 3 months!!!
Now up until today I have only been wearing my wig to work. So I thought what better way to celebrate this day then to just do it!
So for the first time in 10 months... yes 10 months!! I am officially wig free, even at the office!
I've been taking Tamoxifen for a month now with no noticeable side effects (knock on wood). Sometime in the fall I will have my 2nd phase of reconstruction done. I get my new girls! Yes, the Foobs are going to graduate to Girls!
Well this will be my last post for a while. I'll update on my hair growth every now and then, and of course when the time comes for my new girls to arrive, I'll update on that too!

Peace out.

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