Monday, April 27, 2009

Hot as........

As a very cute little Hungarian/Puerto Rican girl once said ... "it's hot as balls" outside! And with a wig on that cannot be true enough!

Was in the 90's this weekend and my ever-so energetic Isabelle would not let me sit down for a moment. So we spent several hours at the park both Saturday and Sunday. So I went out and bought a short wig, my LAST wig... mark my words, I will not buy another one!

Had radiation treatment #6 this morning. So far so good. By the end of last week I was pretty tired, so as the week goes on I guess that's what will happen until I get to the point of "exhaustion", which I'm told will be around week 3.

Getting my port out tomorrow morning! I have to be at the hospital at 7:45 WITH BELLS ON!!!!!!!!


Aimee said...

Yeah for getting the port out!!! What will feel so much better I imagine. LOVE the short wig on you!

Sue said...

Thanks! I thought it would be much cooler... but it's not, just lighter and less mess on my neck:-)