Monday, December 15, 2008

First day HOME

December 11, 2008

Had to sleep in our big oversized chair and ottoman cause I really can't lay flat on my back.

The pain is bad. Very bad. Actually worse then I thought. So taking percocets every 3-4 hours at this point. When they kick in I don't feel too bad. Can't wait to get these damn drains out, I think that's where alot of the pain is coming from. But they need to be in there to drain the fluid out of the sites. I empty them out twice a day. I have to keep track of the amount that comes out because in order for the surgeon to take the drains out the amount of fluid needs to be under a certain amount. They will most likely stay in there for 1-2 weeks. Hoping that on my first visit on the 16th maybe 1 or 2 can come out.

So my "tissue expanders" are very tight. I peeked under my bandage. My breasts are gone. And I really do not care. Actually I'm glad the damn things are gone. They are finally going to leave me alone. I do have a little bit of cleavage and some poof to my up and coming new foobs. The plastic surgeon put in 100cc's on each side, that's about a tablespoon of saline. When I go for my first fill in about 3 weeks he'll put in more cause my skin and muscle should be stretched out good by then, I'll be about an A cup! wohooo!! The picture up top is of my cleavage. aha. Did you think I would NOT show you?! The right side is where the cancer WAS. It's larger on that side cause the tumor stretched out my skin so much on the bottom. The left side is smaller and more painful right now cause the expander is really doing it's work and I can feel it! But look... see... I have foobs in the making!

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