Monday, December 15, 2008

Waiting for results

December 15, 2008

Had another great nite sleep last nite. Didn't go to bed until 1am cause stupid me had a cup of coffee last nite after everyone went home. But slept thru the nite and slept thru my alarm. The night before I slept for 10 hours!! I'm able to sleep in my bed now, Brian took every pillow in the house including throw pillows and made a coccoon for me to sleep on and it's been working great! I have not slept thru the night or for more than 4 hours at a time since August. So yeah I would say I am due!

So this morning it dawned on me that I will be getting a phone call from my surgeon on the pathology results from the surgery. I only want to hear one thing... NEGATIVE NODES. If I have to have more chemo and radiation it's ok, as long as my nodes are negative. That's all I care about. So right now I'm in a little bit of a funk cause I'm worried about what I am going to hear.

Going to try and take some motrin today in place of a percocet. I don't want to get hooked on these things! (or do I? ;-)

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