Monday, December 15, 2008


December 13, 2008

You have no idea how happy I am to be able to do a little something on my girl's birthday. I really thought I would be laid up. But guess what folks... we did NOT diss our baby girl on her birthday after all!

Today we started out in the morning with french toast. One of her favorites. Then she opened up a couple of gifts from her Nana and our wonderful friend Donna. So that occupied her for quite some time. Brian was able to get some work done around the house, and I was able to hang out with Isabelle. I'm able to get her in her highchair and give her meals, and if she cooperates, I can change her diapers and clothes. IF she cooperates. So it's actually not that bad. I can't put her down for a nap cause I can't hold her or cuddle with her. So Brian has to do that part.

Both of my "kids" took a nap today for a long time... almost 4 hours! They were exhausted from the week and Isabelle was so off her schedule.

We have family coming over tomorrow, Sunday, to have a little party and so that Isabelle can play with her cousin Mason... who she absolutely adores. All I heard for an entire week from her was "Mason coming? Mason coming". So tonight we had a bunch of junk food...aha... and we gave her our gifts. She got a Barbie doll with a horse and stall and all the goodies that come with it, an etch a sketch, an art easel, a handy mandy singing toolbox, and a Thomas the Tank book with a slide projector. She LOVES the barbie and horse! Has to take her naps with the horse:-) So darn cute. Donna gave her a Tinkerbell doll and a purse with little girl things like lipstick and a cell phone. She's getting to be quite a little girl!

Today still on percocets every 6 hours.

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