Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 2,3 and 4

Well... all in all I have to say it really wasn't too bad. I had a whole arsenal of anti-nausea drugs that I started before the chemo went into my body, and continued on them for the 4 days after treatment. I had no nausea at all. Oh and I still had my hair. So my theory on what happens when you are on chemo pretty much went out the window. THANK GOD.
Day 2 overnight to Day 3 was kinda rough. I couldn't remember way day it was, or what I had to do the next day. I also needed to be forced to eat and drink, and after I did I felt much better. Day 4 was a Sunday, and I felt ok. Then Day 5 Monday... I got to work on time! Wohoo! Didn't feel too bad, just very tired.

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