Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Chemo Angels

Someone from my online support group recommend I sign up for this program called ChemoAngels. And that's just what I did. I have 2 Angels. Aimee is in Michigan, Betty is in Tennessee. They are not just angels... they are truly amazing women. I get cards and letters and gifts. Wonderful things for Me, Brian and Isabelle. Each time I get something they make me cry. I just can't believe how a stranger can be so nice to you... correction... a far-away friend, no longer strangers at all. Aimee sends books and stickers to Isabelle. Betty makes her own cards, she should start her own business! I enjoy writing back to them and I think it's so cool that I have these wonderful new friends. It's amazing how things like this can change your life. There are truly some wonderful people out there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sue that is crazy/amazing!!! I would cry too at that level of generosity! You have somewhat restored my faith in this world!!