Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Going for testing and more testing and more testing

September 8, 2008

So today I get my Echocardiogram, CT scans of my entire body, and a bone scan.
The echocardiogram was a piece of cake. I had these before so I knew what I was in for anyway. No big deal. The CT scans.... yeah now that was another story. They inject you thru an iv with some sort of dye that gets flushed into your body so that if you have cancer cells anywhere the scans will pick it up. Well... when they injected the dye my heart starting pounding like it wanted to jump out of my chest. Scared the hell out of me. They told me that it was because my body temperature went up so quickly. Ok so the feeling went away in a few minutes, but still, I was not expecting that to happen. Probably cause they did not tell me?!?
Then off to the bone scan. Again they injected me thru an iv some sort of "radioactive isotope", whatever the heck that is. THe scan was no big deal, thank god. Just took about 20 minutes.
Then came the muga scan, which is a test to see how your heart is functioning. I wondered.. why the hell do they want to know how my heart is functioning? Cause the CHEMOFRIGGINTHERAPY drugs are very hard on your heart. That's why. Oh Lovely. The muga scan was no big deal. Then came the Pet scan. That was not fun either. Again, they inject you with with dye into your veins, but this time you have to lay still for one entire hour and not move one ounce of your body. After the hour is done they put you on a table and swoosh you into a long tub. Then they start taking pictures of every part of you. It took about 20 minutes. It was no big deal, but for those who are a little clostrophobic (sp?), I would recommend taking something to help you out.

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